With Thanksgiving approaching, I’m thinking about all those loved ones who won’t be at the table this year to help us celebrate. Holidays can be really hard when you’re missing someone, and for that reason, I’d love to hear what you’d thank your loved one for if they could come home for one more Thanksgiving.
I want to thank my mom, whose last Thanksgiving with us was 20 years ago, for continuing to make me smile all these years later. I remember many Thanksgivings as a child, when we’d gather at my grandparents’ home for the day with aunts, uncles and cousins. She and my aunt (her sister) would inevitably start giggling until they both wet their pants and had to leave the table.
Thanks, mom. Your silly sense of humor lives on :)
If you want to thank your loved one for something special, please do. We’d like to hear about it.